Monday, September 5, 2011


HERE is my wall, of you. In my split pea soup room. I say hello to you every mornin', and g'nite every eve.

Love across the gigabytes for now, from a soggy southland

words to read: letters to a young poet, chapter 8, rainer maria rilke
songs to play: I Never Cared For You, Willie Nelson


  1. Split pea soup room! I grew up in one that was about that same shade - maybe slightly more limeade. Thanks for the post. Have fun in NYC with Ms Moss!

  2. How funny that we both referred to Willie in the same week- although mine was You Are Always on my Mind, 'cause you are

  3. Love the wall Elspeth. I wonder who that cat is from... Glad to see you've got us with you
